Every higher education institution is unique.
Across campus, each college and university has specific needs, requirements, and challenges that need to be tackled. That means your institution needs software solutions that are flexible enough to adapt to your needs—and that can change and grow just as your needs do. The good news is that no matter how complicated your current workflows are, PeopleAdmin’s HigherEd Cloud can help you create the digital processes you need to succeed. Hear from some of our customers about the creative ways they’ve built workflows to meet their institution’s needs.
Chapman University
Robin Borough, Director of Talent Acquisition at Chapman University, pinpointed her institution’s specific needs when designing their workflows in partnership with the PeopleAdmin team. Saving time on rote work and implementing a smooth workflow were at the top of Robin’s list. “Workflow is PeopleAdmin’s core competency,” said Robin. Through one-on-one Zoom sessions with PeopleAdmin’s tech support team and engineers, Robin helped overhaul Chapman’s student employment process, creating a custom solution that fit Chapman’s unique needs. PeopleAdmin representatives who worked with Chapman commented that no one else had done what Chapman has done with their new system.
Through the Applicant Tracking System, Chapman has built a dashboard where the whole university can see the status of their hires from applications and interviews all the way through DocuSign. This has both increased transparency and saved Robin’s team huge amounts of time. “All of that checking back on status— ‘is it done, is it ready, what’s the status’—doesn’t happen anymore,” Robin says. “Our shared email inbox was 200-300 check-in emails a week, and now it’s less than 100. That’s all because of the dashboard bringing transparency of process to the end-user.”
Custom workflows help your institution because they’re designed specifically to tackle your challenges—like the overwhelming status checks that Robin’s team received at Chapman.
Western University of Health Sciences
Workflow customization and flexibility was a determining factor when Western University of Health Sciences chose PeopleAdmin as a solution provider. “PeopleAdmin understands that every college and university is unique, and allowed WesternU to design workflows that worked for our institutional processes,” said NeeCee Cornish, Associate Vice President of IT and Deputy Chief Operating Officer of WesternU. “Because PeopleAdmin also understands that universities change, we know that at any time we can work with PeopleAdmin to adjust our processes.” Recently, NeeCee’s team recognized some changing needs and started reviewing their current workflows to see what improvements could be made. “We are beginning to review our existing workflows with the goal of making improvements and streamlining for efficiency,” NeeCee commented. “We have engaged in several workflow discussions where PeopleAdmin’s expertise has been helpful, allowing us to be more thoughtful about the potential implications that can occur when making changes.”
Mt. San Antonio College
Vanessa Ortiz, a Human Resources Analyst at Mt. San Antonio College, leveraged PeopleAdmin’s customizability to build a better onboarding system. With Employee Records, Mt. SAC has been able to make onboarding consistent across the college. Temporary hires, like adjunct professors, and full-time hires are handled by different areas of HR with slightly different approaches. Now, the onboarding process will be standardized for everyone, but the personalization and customization mean it can be tailored for every position type based on those specific hiring approaches.
The personalization goes even further. “Before, onboarding was just the essentials so the paper wouldn’t be overwhelming. Now, we can offer more new hire resources, and we even added a welcome video!” Vanessa noted. “Previously, the president wouldn’t have been able to greet every new hire in person, but with the new virtual process, everyone gets a personal welcome message. It’s allowed us to get creative with our processes.”
“I like that the workflows can be specific to us, and that we can name them exactly what we want them to mean,” says Vanessa. “It’s clear even for people who aren’t in the system all the time. They can still make sense of everything without being an expert.”
Final thoughts
Is your institution struggling with complex manual workflows? Do your needs not fit into a box? PeopleAdmin can help. Reach out to our experts to hear how you can create customizable workflows and solution combinations to solve your unique challenges.