Are you missing out on data insights? Without HigherEd-specific analytics solutions, you might be!
There are a growing number of decisions that need to be made each day on college campuses. The financial pressures driven by reduced enrollment, support, and increased costs require a new focus on revenue for institutions (Inside Higher Ed). This means when it comes to making decisions on your campus, actionable analytics solutions are key.
Only 10 percent of faculty use university-supported systems for their data and activity management (Ithaka S+R US Faculty Survey 2015). This means that a lot of faculty are still using paper, binders, and filing cabinets to keep track of work faculty are accomplishing at their institutions. It’s been working for decades, so why change?
In order to better understand your campus and solve its core problems, you must understand the inner workings of your faculty and staff. In addition to not using a university-supported system, more than 50 percent of institutions use paper-based performance and promotion processes that do not allow for accurate tracking and analytics.
Without digital processes, there is lost data, potential inaccuracies, and no tracking of faculty – which hinders your ability to tell your intuition’s story successfully and accurately. A lack of faculty-focused insights leads to overall institutional inefficiencies.
With tracking focused on understanding how and where your faculty spend their time, you can better drive decisions and collect insights into what each department needs and how it affects your institution.
5 Ways Accurate Tracking and Analytics Solutions Drive Decision Making
1. Faster and More Agile Support of Faculty
Digital solutions paired with real-time analytics allow administrators to keep a finger on the pulse of their campus. Having accurate measures of hiring, open positions, and more give leadership the information they need to make critical decisions for their institution.
2. Connected Reporting Leads to Efficiency and Compliance
With actionable analytics that collect data throughout campus, faculty, staff, and administrators will have the opportunity to more effectively use their time. Digital solutions help administrative staff do the same reporting they were already doing but in a more cohesive manner. Staying compliant is directly related to accreditation efforts and with a more connected campus, accreditations processes become simpler.
3. Flexibility and Standardization
By accurately tracking your onboarding, professional development, student success, and more, everyone will be on the same page about where an institution stands. Diversity and inclusion initiatives are now easier to measure and allow for more informed decisions related to compliance. Actionable analytics keep everyone on the same page while still allowing flexibility.
4. Reduced Administrative Burden on Faculty and their Supporting Staff
If faculty are spending less time writing reports and filing paperwork, they can spend more time on research, teaching, and service. With advanced reporting comes less work upfront to collect the data and showcase what it means for your institution.
5. Improved Strategic Thinking
With data at their fingertips, leaders have the ability to think more strategically about carrying out their institution’s mission. Your data can tell a story about your campus, helping you understand where your institution stands and highlight important insights for leadership (Insider Higher Ed). More data-driven thinking and strategic initiatives lead to alignment with your institution’s mission and your specific strategic plan.
Actionable analytics offer campus-wide insight into demographics, compliance, accreditation, and more. To make informed decisions to fulfill the mission of your college or university, analytics must continually drive your discussions.
Remove the time-consuming task of administrators, deans, and leadership tracking, compiling, and reporting on faculty activity while giving them the tools to make well-informed decisions. Faculty Information System provides a centralized hub for all faculty data and activities by offering a platform that remains with them for the full lifecycle of their employment from hiring and onboarding, through professional development, and on to achieving a promotion or tenure.
Want to learn more about the Faculty Information System? Watch the On-Demand Demo here.
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