Virtual Hiring and Onboarding

While many colleges and universities are adjusting to working remotely and dealing with budget cuts and reappropriation of funds, many are responding to the unprecedented challenge of continuing to hire during the coronavirus pandemic. We are helping our customers navigate this challenge and make the transition to virtual hiring and onboarding


Head shot portrait smiling older woman looking at camera

Provide a seamless experience to your candidates.

Out-of-the-box 3rd party interoperability: Built-in integrations throughout the HigherEd Platform allow you to:

  • Use text-based messaging, interview management, and scheduling
  • Rapidly shift to integrated video-based interviewing
  • Easily verify skills and match profiles to requisitions
  • Seamlessly integrate background checks, I-9, and e-verification processes

Features & Benefits

Video-Based Interviewing

Skill Verification

Background Checks

I-9 Verification

Want to learn more about Virtual Hiring?