Customer Success Story: Prairie State College

Time Savings with Prairie State College

Kirsten Mahone has been working at Prairie State College for 20 years. She began as an adjunct professor and three years ago, transitioned to working as the Recruiting and Training Specialist in the Human Resources Department. When she joined the HR team, the HigherEd Platform was already up and running—but Kirsten quickly noted that it wasn’t being used to its full potential. The team was using both Applicant Tracking System and Position Management, but it was taking too long to post open roles.

“I really liked the idea of being able to put all of the information about a role—like the supervisor or job level—into Position Management and then have the position description populate automatically in ATS,” said Kirsten. “I knew it would make everything easier.”

Kirsten’s team worked with PeopleAdmin to optimize their use of the modules, and it’s made a huge difference.

“The time that it saves has been amazing,” says Kirsten. “As far as records are concerned, it’s been huge that we can go back into Position Management and see the history of proposed salaries, budget codes, and anything else we might need to know about the position. Previously, all that information was tied to specific people, so I’d have to know who had held a position to get the history. Now, it’s all tied to the position, making it easier to get the numbers we need.”

Kirsten’s team previously only used ATS and Position Management for full-time staff and faculty, but they have now expanded the solution to include hourly staff and adjunct faculty as well. Prairie State also recently began using Employee Records to round out their full digitized recruitment and hiring process.

“It’s so easy,” Kirsten noted. “We hired someone today! When I’m in ATS, it’s so easy to go click on ‘recommend for hire’ and then pull in all the candidate’s information so they can complete all their new hire paperwork online, and then I can download it if I need to. The way we used to do it, candidates had to come into the office. Getting someone’s paperwork set up used to take up half my day. Once someone was recommended for hire, I would have to call them up and find out when they could come in to complete their paperwork—which had to happen before orientation. Our hours are 8 AM to 4:30 PM, so people often couldn’t come in if they were still working at another job. If I had five different candidates all participating in one orientation, getting them all in to do their paperwork beforehand was crazy. Now, that process takes me no more than two hours.”

The time savings for Kirsten’s team have been a game changer, and embracing a fully digitized hiring process has made all the difference for both candidates and internal hiring teams.

One tip that Kirsten shared for other PeopleAdmin customers was to take advantage of PeopleAdmin’s customer support. “Any time I have asked for help, I get a thorough response,” said Kirsten. “They don’t just help me—they send me step-by-step directions so I can walk through the solution myself and I never have to ask again.”


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