K-12 education technology provider and advocacy group work together to help school leaders across Texas accommodate increasing student enrollment while maintaining education quality
AUSTIN, Texas — April 4, 2018 — TalentEd, the leading provider of talent management solutions for K-12 education, is pleased to partner with Fast Growth Texas, a coalition advocating for investments in the state’s fastest-growing school districts, to empower member districts to deliver high-quality education by overcoming hiring challenges that accompany rapid enrollment increases.
The partnership will make it easier for the more than 50 Fast Growth Texas member districts to recruit and hire top educators through discounts on TalentEd’s leading national K-12 education job board — SchoolSpring — and applicant tracking solution — Hire Pro.
“Teacher shortages are especially difficult to overcome in districts that significantly increase headcount each year,” said Jack Blaha, CEO of PeopleAdmin, TalentEd’s parent company. “Partnering with Fast Growth Texas advances our mission of empowering talent and elevating education by calling attention to the struggles these schools face, and delivering proven tools education leaders use to support student achievement.”
Approximately 25 school districts are growing at a rate that will make them eligible this year for Fast Growth Texas participation, which includes awareness events, legislative advocacy, and information sharing among schools measuring a net increase of 3,500 or more students, or enrollment of over 2,500 students with at least 10 percent growth in the last five years.
“Our member districts have unique and specific needs related to increased demands for facilities, hiring, resources, and more,” said Jamie Wilson, Ed.D., president of Fast Growth School Coalition and superintendent of schools at Denton Independent School District. “As a user of TalentEd’s excellent technology solutions — at both Fast Growth Texas and Denton ISD — I’m confident this partnership will help bring relief to our districts struggling to do more with less while maintaining the highest standards for quality and student achievement.”
The partnership will be featured at the 2018 Fast Growth School Coalition Conference Feb. 27-28, 2018, in Fort Worth, Texas.