When your institution begins using any software, you probably ask questions about how your data is managed and stored, and who owns your data. These are important answers to get—as your IT team probably reminds you, data security is important, especially when dealing with sensitive employee and applicant data like HR teams do. At PeopleAdmin, we understand how important your data is, so read on to learn how our platform handles your information.
The HigherEd Platform
The HigherEd platform is a software designed by PeopleAdmin that supports talent workflows at your institution. Our platform hosts your data. All the data that flows into our platform, from job postings to offer letters to employee names, is owned by your institution. The HigherEd platform is a caretaker/ data processor for your information.
The data that comes into the HigherEd platform is stored there for your institution’s access and use. Your institution has full ownership and management of all the information stored in the platform.
Our databases are sophisticated and highly secure. We host our software using Amazon Web Services, Rackspace, and Microsoft Azure, and we make frequent use of Amazon S3 to securely store data for all of our customers. For Canadian schools, all data is stored at sites within Canadian territory. We ensure the confidentiality and integrity of all your assets.
We also maintain a robust data backup, so if something ever happens with your system, you can be sure that we have a current secure backup of all of your information.
If your institution ever decides to switch from PeopleAdmin’s platform to another software, we provide all of your data upon request. PeopleAdmin also offers a service to former customers called Read Only, which allows your institution to maintain read-only access to our platform to view your data stored on our platform, download individual documents and PDFs, look up information, and run analytical reports. No additional information can be imported or deleted in the read-only state.
Control over your data
With PeopleAdmin and our parent company, PowerSchool, your institution has full ownership over your data. Additionally, PowerSchool’s security program is audited via ISO 27001:2013 and SOC 2 Type 2 to ensure adherence to industry standards for safeguarding data.