Tracking your talent metrics is vital for HR.
‘Having data to explain challenges you’re up against is key to securing support to overcome them.’
Many higher education institutions fail to track and report on talent management metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs)—and that causes them to lose out on significant benefits, such as funding for additional resources or staff.
“Not tracking metrics is a barrier because you don’t have a way to quantify your talent management efforts,” said Edward Wilson Jr., Ph.D., Director of Strategic Partnerships at PeopleAdmin and former HR director of academic affairs at the University of Kansas Medical Center. “Having data to explain challenges you’re up against is key to securing support to overcome them.”
The 2016 TalentIndex—a report of higher education growth, trends, and challenges from nearly 400 higher education professionals—found that 71 percent of colleges and universities either did not track performance or could not report results and that those institutions struggle in ways other institutions don’t. (Now, you can find this information on-demand in Insights Advanced.)
Among institutions with inadequate HR staffing, for instance, 50 percent of those that measure more than one KPI or metric expect to increase recruiting staff in the upcoming year, while only 29 percent of those that do not measure talent management performance expect the same.
“Measuring talent management performance helps us plan staffing needs and support our requests when we put in our budget and ask for new positions,” said Ricardo Coronado, Ph.D., Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources at Tarrant County College (TCC) in Fort Worth, Texas. TCC is among the 29 percent of higher education institutions nationwide that track talent management performance, which they’ve found easy to do using the HigherEd Platform from PeopleAdmin. But not all institutions have the right tools to simplify reporting. Between 38 and 48 percent of institutions find reporting, analyzing, or using talent management data difficult. Colleges and universities with automated reporting solutions—like TCC—are twice as likely to rate reporting- and analytics-related activities as easy.
“It’s just so amazing to have the data right there at your fingertips, where you don’t have to go and spend three weeks massaging it to get it in a presentable format,” said Shannon Phillips, Assistant Director of Technology and Compensation Specialist at the University of Arkansas.
Shannon and her team use PeopleAdmin’s Unified Insights to generate reports that help university leaders make data-based decisions. “Being able to log in to the system, see the number of active postings, or the time to fill — these are reports that our executives were asking us for on a consistent basis that I used to manually create. Now, I can just log in to the system and get that information instantly.”
Check out our updated Talent Intelligence tool, now Insights Advanced and integrated directly into the HigherEd platform!
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